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Help with putting it into words.

Writing is in my personal skills. Like a gift.

We all have gifts! You just have to detect them.

How? 'Or' What ? Using these questions, for example: What do you like to do? What makes you happy? (for those who follow, you will realize that this last question is also useful to know where you are in your life and if you need a support in personal development as I practice it ;-) Yes, everything is linked!)


I can provide you with my varied experience:

  • facilitator of writing workshops (adults, children, for fun or liberation) and / or philosophy

  • author

  • public writer (write for you)

To help you see more clearly in your life, to put words on your ailments, your memories ...


Services thought out and designed for you to help you put your project into words:


=> Help in writing your autobiography, a biography ... (You want to pass on your testimony, your background, to your descendants, to your professional entourage? Show how you have built yourself?) : On estimate.


=> Proofreading / rewriting (dissertations, theses, books ...), Correction: on estimate.


Books available in french

- The novel Luminous hearts : the story of two characters seeking the light of their heart, getting lost a little along the way, walking, finding themselves at the source of their happiness, working for their well-being and building their married life with joy and love . "Feel good" type novel, whaooo, that feels good :-)!

Available by direct order from me ("contact" tab, price 20 € + shipping costs) OR





- Her and him , collection of short stories. Emotion, romance and the music of words ... (including the short story "Over the notes, I remember" which was awarded and published in June 2017 by the jury of the competition organized by the Village du Livre de Fontenoy-la-Joûte -54) . Available from me directly or here . Price: 8 €.



- And a second novel: The heart on track to the stars . From Editions Plumes de Mimi.

ordered in all good bookshops, perhaps find in your library or book on the publishing house's website.

And .... Available from me, for an autographed copy: Price: 15.99 € + shipping costs.

* Also available as an e-book on all the usual download sites.



- May 2019: And ... technical book on personal development! It is ... Care by words, by emotion . Paper format, 10 euros, available from me or online. E-book, via Kindle platform.


- A 3rd novel. I have traveled through your world, thank you. Volume I.

Available only as an e-book for the moment on BoD or any other distribution platform for this support.

Volume II to be published during the summer of 2020.

#unconsciousfamilymemories #emotional intelligence # quest for identity #intriguing questions #quidirigelaviesurTerre? #be multidimensional


- A 4th novel, always in the idea of ​​the quest for identity. The smell of rain on the acacia flowers . Released in print and e-book format on 05/18/2020.

Raphaëlle, God who heals, according to the meaning of his first name, seeks himself, sometimes meets, flees ... Joshua, him, tries to return to his Christic heart, the source of modern being. Together, they lift mountains to create communication bridges between their lives that are totally opposite. The quest for identity, the rejection of automatic conventions, the words that define, enclose, separate, link ... Who is there?


- Release on 07/28/2020: Interpreter between Earth and Sky . Personal development. A little Starseeds, a hint of emotional intelligence, a touch of advice, a few exercises for the water body, a sprinkle of stellar magic, a spoonful of live guidance!






- Release on 08/05/2020: The sailor . Novel. Themes of the quest for identity, of high quality relationships. And trips, songs ... Jana, Dave, Julius, the Sailor, Samantha and the others take you on a tour of the islands ... Geographically, the Channel Islands; emotionally, all those that we create with our words and our unspoken.






And a writing BLOG that I created more than 10 years ago, that I refined over the years according to my evolution, that I closed then reopened and here it is: http: //marina.p.

In fact, I don't publish much anymore but I "trace" my information ;-)



L'odeur de la pluie sur le fleurs d'acac
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